World Cancer Day 4th February 2020

This day is observed by Union for National Cancer Control (UICC), whose focus is on Cancer prevention and control.

World Cancer Day aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer on the one hand and pressing government and individuals across the word to take action against this disease.

On this day we recognise that our commitment to act will lead to powerful progress in reducing the Global Impact cancer. So, this 4th February whoever you are, your actions- big and small will make lasting positive change. We need your commitment to create a cancer free world. Theme of this year cancer day is “I am and I will”.

Multiple initiatives are run this day to show support for those affected by cancer. One of these movements are #NoHairSelfi, a global movement to have “Hairticipants” shave their heads either physically or virtually to show a symbol of courage for those undergoing cancer treatment. Images of participants are then shared all over social media. Many such events also take place around the world.

2020 marks the midway point of the 3 year “I am and I will” campaign (2019-2021). “I am and I will”is an empowering call to action urging for personal commitment and represents the power of individual action taken now to impact the future.

According to WHO Cancer is the second major cause of death in the world. In the year 2018, 18.1 million new cases of cancer have been detected and 9.6 million people died because of cancer this year. Out of the total cancer related deaths 70% are found in Economically backward countries.

It is a relief to know that 30 to 50% of all cancer is preventable. According to an estimate in 2010, there was a loss of 1.16 trillion dollars to American economy due to cancer alone.

According to ICMR in the year 2018, in India 7,84,000 people died due to cancer and 11.5 lakh new cases of cancer were found in this year.

At any point of time 22.5 million people live with cancer in India. Around 1300 patients die due to cancer every day. Every 8 Minute one women die due to cervical cancer. According to a survey there has been an increase of 6% in cancer related deaths.

Causes of cancer

WHO has found five major causes of cancer globally:

  • High body mass index
  • Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet
  • Lack of physical activity during the day
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use

Cancer is a lifestyle disease. In the context of India, tobacco is a major cause of cancer. Tobacco is used in India in the form of Bidi, cigarette gutka, khaini, hookah, tobacco mix tooth powder, pan masala etc. In India 3500 people die prematurity due to tobacco every day. 90% of the oral cancer is due to tobacco use.

In addition, preservatives in the packed foods are also a major cause of cancer. Fertilizers and pesticides used in the crops and vegetables also lead to cancer. Above all lack of information is also a cause of cancer deaths in our country.

What is cancer

Our body is made up of cells or we can say that cell is the basic unit of our body. Every cell has a definite lifespan and a way of working. The lifespan and activity of the cell is based on the genes found on the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell.

If there is a mutation in the genes due to any reason, the lifespan and working of that cell is affected. Because of it the cell begins to divide in an uncontrolled way and gather a mass of cells around it. This group of cells form a lump which is called cancer. Cancer is then named by the organ in which it has developed. Gradually cells begin to develop in other parts of the body also. This is called metastasis. As our body is made up of cells, therefore cancer is named after the organ in which the cell has undergone mutation. The distribution of cancer cells in the body determines the stage of cancer.


Treatment of cancer depends on the stage of the cancer in the affected organ. Generally, three types of treatments are used for cancer patients:

1. Surgery

2. Radio-therapy

3. Chemotherapy

In addition, Target therapy, Immunotherapy, Bone marrow transplantation are also used in its treatment.


All those people who are not suffering from cancer but are living in polluted environment, or have a family history of cancer or are taking addictions or are living in a carcinogenic working conditions should have a regular medical check-up and take physician’s advice from time to time.

Primary symptoms of cancer:

  • A wound that doesn’t heal
  • A sudden loss of weight without any apparent cause
  • Perpetual fever
  • A lump that started increasing suddenly
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Bleeding after Menopause
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Difficulty in eating and swelling
  • Hoarseness in voice

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